Systemic inflammation can start with acute inflammation or injury and result in long term or chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation presents as cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, diabetic complications, pulmonary disease, bone and joint disorders and metabolic disorders. The chart shows a few of the many examples. In order to reduce systemic inflammation we must first fix our microbiome in our gut. The microbiome communicate with our brain via the vagus nerve. In fact, different bacteria are linked to different inflammatory disorders and mental health disorders among many other things.
As our gut is exposed to stress, toxins, inflammatory foods, pathogens, drugs and infections it increases permeability. When a gut gets more permeable it is considered a leaky gut. When a gut allows intestinal toxins into our blood stream we increase our systemic immunity, our risk for autoimmunity, and all of the disorders listed above. Looking at overall inflammation can start with something as simple as hair loss. Or maybe an arthritis, or hypothyroid. The list is so great because our body's systems are all connected.
WPC's main goals are to improve your main health concerns and give you tools to reduce your systemic inflammation, improve your overall wellness and health and make this thing called life worth living like you want to live it!