The GUT is the BOSS. The vagus nerve from our gut to our brain sends signals in both directions. It sends different signals based on our gut microbiome and plays a significant roll in our brain signaling, mental health, and behavior. Unfortunately, our food quality and soil is not what it was 30 years ago. We have more toxins than ever. We must make sure our guts are healed, have the right flora, and we are getting proper nutrients. Food is medicine. We are what we eat. Stress, ingesting toxins, poor nutrition, infections, medications and more all affect our gut permeability and it’s ABILITY to absorb and provide your body with proper energy. A healthy gut is the main way to reduce systemic inflammation and reduce a host of other health issues.
Understanding what foods are the best for you and why is another area of focus here at WPC. What do you do with a huge list of food allergens from your doctor? How do you completely change your lifestyle and eating? You don’t. You continue to suffer. We want to end that suffering and give you the tools to balance your gut health. Have a food that you love, but it gives you a reaction? We can help. Just need some guidance on how to eat healthy or want to detox your liver and heal your gut lining? Maybe you need a reset for your gut flora and have bacterial overgrowth, also known as SIBO (Small intestine bacteria overgrowth). Many practitioners will prescribe antibiotics for Candida or SIBO and then you kill all the good and the bad bacteria. Want an alternative? We can help!