Postpartum Parents: you did it! Congratulations!!! You made a baby and brought a beautiful being into the world! Your entire purpose is to care of said baby. But who is going to take care of you? Postpartum care is subpar in America. We fill out one questionnaire that hardly identifies depression/trauma/life change. All of which are real to any new mom. The need for mental support goes under diagnosed daily. A new mom sees social media and everyone shows that being a new mom is wonderful- it is, a deep rooted, undeniable, rock you to your core kind of love. BUT it is also HARDER than anything you will ever do. And the hormone depletion can be devastating to a new mother and father. Mom, coming off a hormone high to a bottoming low, needs 6 months to a year to even out. Dad, experiences the surge of love and lack of sleep and challenges of supporting the baby and mom, typically while still working full time. The rollercoaster of emotions is real and normal. If you need a medication during this time, ask for help.
It’s a time when parents are already taxing his and her adrenals and using cortisol reserves, lacking sleep, and trying to go back to work full time. All of this happens too soon, no doubt, and therefore, new parents are set up for a postpartum depression/anxiety or adrenal fatigue at the very least. This leads to a self medicating cycle of caffeine every morning and then not being able to sleep very well, and more wine at night. You will see parents like this everywhere, especially in America. We are taxed to the max and don’t know how else to survive. All of our coping mechanisms are more detrimental on our inner systems-adrenal, gut and immune. Not only that, but parents micronutrients that support our hormone pathways and the white blood cells and immune system are also being taxed. This leads to an immune system, that is weakened and is more vulnerable as their new baby starts to catch every new cold virus under the sun. Especially once the baby is in childcare or adventuring out to meet people and see the wonderful world. There are days when moms want to just scream, or cry or both. At WPC we encourage all of those feeling and letting it all out. Give yourselves grace.
As a parent you are doing the best you can with what you have. We want you to step away from the survival ledge and get a grip on the ability to thrive. You don’t have to feel like this all the time. Wired, tired, exhausted, sad, conflicted, because society says you should be able to handle it all. It’s ok to need help. Be patient and kind to yourselves. We see you new moms and dads! We are here to support you and your systems so that you can be the best mom, dad, partner, person for your family, friends, work.