Ever wonder where your energy went? Maybe you are wired but exhausted. Maybe you could sleep all day, or you aren’t sleeping at all. We can help. Today, we are required to do more with less and information is coming at us at all times. We do more in 1 business day then our parents did in 3 business days. How are we going to maintain our health if we are constantly bombarded and tasked. Maybe we are our main family provider, or we are a loved ones caretaker and a parent. High stress professionals are burning out faster now than every before.
The point is, everyone has stressors and is tired. Let us help you get your energy back. When we first undergo extended stress, we are more wired, have trouble sleeping, feel like we are in fight or flight mode. Because our body is not designed to sustain this “fight”, we eventually crash and go into survival and struggle mode. Everyday should not have to start with caffeine and end with alcohol. (although a good cup of coffee is hard to pass up). Once we crash, we hang on by a thread and go through the day barely remembering, or functioning. We want to nap all the time. Then our immune system takes a dive and we end up constantly fighting infections. Here at WPC, we want you to THRIVE!